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Sowing Grass Seed During Winter – Equine Paddock Mix

Some recent questions regarding sowing grass seed during the winter to an existing horse paddock.

Question – Is it too late to sow grass seed on to an existing horse paddock; if not what seed would you recommend?

Answer – Thank you for contacting us. This product should be fine for you.

Question – Hi thank you for your reply can you confirm that the grass seed you recommend can be sown at this time of year, thanks?

Answer – There is nothing stopping you sowing grass seed during winter but seeds need two main things to germinate – warmth and moisture. It would be fair to assume that there is plenty of moisture around at the moment. However, the soil temperature is reasonably cold. So chances of a successful sowing are very low. The most favourable times of year for sowing is Spring (mid-March until April are usually the best times), and late summer (September-October). I hope this helps.

Question – Hi, my label is damaged and i can’t read what dilution I need for my “Vitax Green Up, Lawn Weed and Feed” please could you just e-mail it to me, Thanks?

Sowing Grass Seed During Winter Vitax Green Up Weed And FeedAnswer – Instructions for “Vitax Green Up, Lawn Weed and Feed”

Do not mow for 3 days before and 3 days after treatment to allow full uptake and movement within the weeds. Do not spray on laws which are less than one year old. Allow at least six weeks between treatment and over-seeding established turf. Do not treat during drought, freezing conditions or in periods of prolonged cold weather. Allow at least six months before sowing or planting broad-leaved plants.

To treat 12 meter sq. use 2 measures (60ml) in 6 litres of water when using a watering can with a fine rose or sprinkler bar, or 60ml in 1 litre of water when applying by sprayer. Set the sprayer nozzle to a medium setting. Avoid too fine a spray as drift onto neighbouring plants may occur.

Half fill the watering can or sprayer with water then add the weedkiller plus remaining water, mix thoroughly and use immediately.

After use immediately wash out equipment with water and detergent to remove all traces of weedkiller, fill with clean water and leave overnight. Spray or drain out again before storing or using another product. Keep children and pets away from treated area until spray has dried.

After treatment leave the clippings from the first mowing on the lawn. The next three mowings should be composted well, for at least 9 months before being used as a mulch. Do not dispose of the grass clippings via council composting schemes.

Question – Hi, I live in the Philippines and need to find a suitable grass seed to cover approximately 2000 Sq. Meters of well drained land.  It needs to be able to withstand tropical conditions and does not have to be of a fine type (a rough coarse variety is OK).  What is common here is referred to as carabao grass but its not available here in seed form so we plan to have  it sent from the UK to here. Please advise the most cost effective type that you have.

Answer – Hi, The only grass seed we sell that comes close is called Bermuda Grass Seed here is a quick link


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Winter Lawn Care, Dealing With Frost, Snow and Falling Leaves

The winter season is a turbulent time for gardeners. Although not a lot of work is carried out in the garden this time of year. There are still various things that you can do to help keep your lawn in the best condition possible.

Lawn – Seeds Winter Lawn Care Tip 

Frozen Lawn? Steer Clear!

This is very important, you need to steer clear of your lawn if it is either wet or frozen. If you do walk over you lawn in frosty or wet conditions then you could be causing irreparable damage to the grass plant. This is something that is not easily repairable and you’ll have to wait until the spring to correct this.

Clear Leaves and Debris

It’s very important that you clear any leaves or debris that falls on your lawn throughout the winter season. Using a light rake or a brush to keep leaves and rubbish from your lawn. If fallen leaves are left they will trap moisture within the lawn and will attract diseases and worms.

Mowing Your Lawn in the Winter? 

We would never advise you to mow your lawn during the winter season as this can cause all types of issues for you. Only mow your lawn if it is absolutely vital and the conditions are safe and suitable. 

Lawn-Seeds Limited Time Offer

We hope you enjoyed our summer season gardening tips, if you’re quick you can get 5% off your first order using promotional code FIRSTORDER5% at the checkout. what are you waiting for? Time to go seed shopping.

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Lawn Spreaders Use and Maintenance

Lawn Spreaders, grass seed equipment spreader

Lawn spreaders are a nutrient and fertiliser broadcasting device that ensures that the correct amount of product is used. A calibrated lawn spreader means your garden gets the right amount of nourishment or seed without waste.

In larger gardens, the time and cost savings provided with a high-quality lawn spreader make them an essential purchase.

Hand Held Lawn Spreaders

As the name suggests, a handheld spreader is carried by the users and is usually only for the broadcasting of seeds and typically not used for fertiliser. The device consists of a hopper which holds, typically, 1 to 2 kilos of seed and a handle to the side of the device which, when turned releases seed.

The amount of product released at each turn is usually controllable by varying either the bore of the chute which releases the seed or the number of times the hopper is opened during each rotation of the handle.

Most uses of hand-held lawn and seed spreaders develop a rhythm and pace of walking and turning which ensures a good, even and cost-effective spread.

Rotary Lawn Spreaders

The rotary lawn spreader spins and throws the feed in an arc allowing for a large area of lawn to be seeded at one time. This is perfect for those of you who have a large area to cover. Unfortunately, it’s drawback would be that it is not as accurate as the drop lawn spreader.

However, if you want the job done quickly this is the perfect tool for you. We would advise against using this with weed and feed products.

Drop Lawn Spreaders

Drop lawn spreaders are incredibly accurate, giving you even distribution of feed throughout your lawn. The top of the range drop lawn spreaders will come with a control mechanism, allowing you to shut the spreader off.

As you are walking up and down your lawn you will quickly notice the feed drop out between the wheels of the spreader. This will help you to line up the lawn spreader with the previous row.

Seed or Fertiliser Spreaders

Garden spreaders are used for two purposes. Seed broadcasting and the equal application of fertiliser.

Broadcast / Spread Rates

There are more or less sophisticated ways of ensuring a good even and appropriate coverage of seed or fertiliser using a spreader. The most simple system relies on the user keeping a steady pace and controlling the broadcast of seed or fertiliser with a simple open or close toggle on the hopper the product is stored in.

Keeping a steady walking pace and setting the bore width for the feeder is all that is required to get a fairly accurate spread of seed or fertiliser.

In recent years more elaborate upright devices have a geared mechanism that is attached to the wheel and uses the rotation of the wheels as a guide to how often the product is broadcast. Typically every full, half or quarter turn. The mechanism opens the hopper to drop one unit of seed or fertiliser at every calibrated event.

Spread rates depend on the product being used. Early season seeding, new lawn seeding and overseeding will all vary in the amount of seed recommended. For fertiliser, early season nitrogen-based products will have a different requirement to late season

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Sowing Grass Seed In Autumn After A Warm Summer

Sowing Grass Seed Autumn

We are quickly approaching the time when sowing grass seed in your garden is optimal. Generally in the UK we sow grass seed twice a year, firstly mid Spring and secondly mid Autumn.

Autumn is generally a great opportunity to sow as you have less weeds, the soil can be damp from rain and warm from the recent summer.

Choosing The Right Product For Sowing Grass Seed

Selecting the right garden seed is always important and obviously we’re going to tell you to buy our grass seed as it’s the best. You can can choose the right seed depending on the conditions of your soil, so if your garden is shady then choose our Shaded Garden Mix or if your garden takes a lot of punishment from children or dogs then choose our Hardwearing Grass Seed.

Preparing Your Soil

  • Prepare the soil by raking off any old grass; remove large stones, weeds and roughly level.
  • Fork over the site and rake level again to leave a clean finish.
  • Firm the soil by walking over, placing weight on your heels and rake again.
  • Two or three days before the seed is to be sown, lightly rake in a granular fertiliser.

Sowing Your Seed

  • You can use string to mark out the area to be sown.
  • Mix up the seed by shaking the box.
  • As a rule of thumb spread the seed at 50g per square metre (you can calculate how much seed you will require by using our useful grass seed calculator).
  • Split each 50g in half and scatter seed in one direction across a square and then spread the rest in the opposite direction.
  • After sowing, lightly rake over the area and water.

Post Sowing Grass Seed

  • Protect the newly sown seed from pests such as birds by stretching netting over area.
  • Prevent people from walking across the soil.
  • Seedlings are susceptible to drought, so keep them watered during dry spells. Test your soil regularly by pushing your fingers into it.
  • Carefully weed the area by hand, removing any weeds before they flower.
  • When the new lawn is 5cm (2in) high, cut with a rotary mower to 2.5cm (1in).

The basis of this advice has been supplied from BBC Gardening Section.