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How To Safely Remove Weeds From Your Garden

removing weeds from your garden

Removing Weeds From Your Garden

With the great British summer time just around the corner, your going to want your garden to impress and after the winter season, there may be a lot of jobs to do.

Perhaps one of the most infuriating parts of gardening is removing weeds from your pathways, lawn and borders. 

Technically speaking a weed is just a plant that’s in the wrong place at the wrong time. Usually, it is one of two things, either a seed from another plant or something more invasive that you really want out of your garden.

Unfortunately, you will never fully be able to stop weeds from cropping up from time to time. But there are ways in which you can remove weeds from growing.

How to Remove Weeds From Borders, Pathways & The Lawn

Weeds in the Borders – Yearley weed seeds can survive in your garden for years in your soil bed, sitting there and waiting for the perfect conditions for them to grow. They germinate at much lower temperatures than most garden plants and can easily grow and seed very quickly. It’s very important that you recognise them at a seedling stage. This will allow you to remove the weed without removing any flower or vegetable seeds

Weeds on the Path – If you have an abundance of weeds building up on your pathing slabs we would recommend using an old kitchen knife or you can purchase a special paving brush from most DIY stores. Carefully scrape the weeds out of the gaps between paving slabs, making sure to not pull the knife towards you.

Weeds in the Lawn – We would advise you to keep your lawn as healthy as possible to avoid weed growth. However, if you do have a few weeds growing throughout your lawn then you can easily purchase some herbicide gel.


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How to Keep Safe in The Garden

Safety In The Garden

Safety In The Garden

The spring season is just around the corner, and I for one can’t wait to get out into my garden and give it some much need TLC, especially after the harsh winter weather we’ve experienced.

As always safety in the garden should always be of utmost importance, particularly if you have little ones running around.

The lawnmower tops the list of most dangerous items in your garden, with roughly 6,500 reported incidents each year. Followed closely by the flowerpot in second place. Many of the points in our article may seem like common sense, however, you can never be too careful.

Why Accidents In The Garden Happen?

Firstly before we dive into how you can protect yourself and your family in the garden, we need to understand why accidents happen. This usually applies to any situation, not just getting knee deep in the soil. accidents usually happen because of three main reasons…

  1. People take shortcuts
  2. Lack of planning and preparation
  3. Being in the wrong place at the wrong time

Simply put these are the most common reasons as to why people can become injured whilst gardening. However with Lawn Seeds top 5 tips your garden will be a safe zone in no time.

Top Tips For Keeping Safe In The Garden

  1. Tripping hazards are everywhere in the garden, from the hosepipe that has been wrapped up properly to that loose pathing slab. We would always advise you to correctly wrap your hose pipe up once you are finished with it. If your not sure how to do this correctly take a look at The Gardeners Journal they have an excellent blog post on how to do this manually.
  2. Do not leave any sharp objects lying around your garden. These can be fatal if someone is to trip and fall. We would recommend investing in a decent sized shed or garden storage unit to keep all of your tools in. If you want to be extra safe invest in a padlock.
  3. Know what types of plants you’re planting in your garden if you have animals or small children we would advise against purchasing any poisonous plants.
  4. Never leave your BBQ unattended. Always make sure there is an adult monitoring the BBQ and keep children well clear. Also, make sure that you have extinguished all the flames before you go to bed.
  5. Our fifth tip to keep you are safe in the garden would be to invest in an RCD (residual current device) these can easily prevent you from having a nasty electrical shock should you cut through your lawn mower cable. A lot of modern lawnmowers have these built-in however, if you are unsure check the owners manual.

Safety in the garden should always be your main priority. We encourage you to share more safety tips in the comment section below.